Gfinity will be co-hosting an upcoming Splatoon 2 tournament with Nintendo, the company announced today.
Known as The Splatoon Inkfest U.K. Tournament 2021, the competition will be open to players in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The tournament, which is actually a collection of smaller tournaments, will take place between Sept. 25 and Dec.
11. The matches will all be played online, so players won’t need to report to a physical location. Players can register their teams at the registration portal and start climbing up the ladder when the tournament opens later this week. 토토사이트
The tournament will be played cup-style, with matches hosted every three weeks. Each cup series will have open ladder tournaments during the weekend, during which teams can play as many matches as they want to boost their overall ranking and make it to the cup final. Gfinity said there will be prizes for the winners of each cup but didn’t say exactly what those prizes are.
Between matches, players will be able to find news, content, and interviews on the tournament hub, which will also act as the tournament’s rankings board. “The tournament structure has been designed to be highly competitive and entertaining, and we are excited to help bring the competition to players and fans alike,” said John Clarke, the chief executive of Gfinity.
Players in the U.S. who are looking for a way to flex their squid muscle should keep an eye out for one of Nintendo VS’ yearly open tournaments.